Spanish Girls pictures

Spanish soccer girls.

Hot football girls from Spain.

Finally! Spain won a match at World Cup 2014 after defeating the outsider Australia. However, the Iberian are out of the tournament and nothing can be done about that.
For Man of the Match was rewarded David Villa who scored the first goal.
The last thing left from Spain on this tournament are some beautiful and attractive fans. One of them have the privilege to be our Girl of the Match. We present you this beautiful Spanish girl:

It’s not a secret that Spain has one of the most attractive football fans. We know because we’ve seen many of them – Spain reached the final match in the latest few tournaments. And it will be very unusual if we lose them early in Brazil. Unfortunately that’s a possibility since Spain lost 5-1 to Netherlands in their first match at the World Cup 2014.
But that’s enough of a gloomy thoughts, let’s enjoy these hot Spanish girls until we can…
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Third match of the tournament, and the big surprises have already started! In a historical match that will be long remembered, Netherlands defeated 5-1 the current champions of Spain.
For Man of the Match was rewarded Robin van Persie.
It was pure humiliation and since we in World Cup Girls tend to rely on the beauty of football, we believe the Spaniards got enough. Therefore our choice for Girls of the Match goes to these two hot Spanish girls

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